柳劲松,博士,教授,硕士生导师,中国动物学会兽类学分会理事、中国生态学会动物生态专业委员会委员、浙江省高等学校中青年学科带头人。曾获曾宪梓教学基金授予高等师范院校优秀教师奖、浙江省优秀教师、最热门的网赌网址大全教学名师奖、最热门的网赌网址大全最受学生爱戴的老师、最热门的网赌网址大全我心目中的好导师等称号。近年来主要从事小型哺乳动物和鸟类的生理生态学研究。主持国家自然科学基金、国家科技计划支撑项目、浙江省自然科学基金等多项课题。在《American Journal of Physiology》、《Physiological and Biochemical Zoology》、《Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, part A》、《Journal of Thermal Biology》、《Avian Research》、《Zoological Research》、《动物学报》、《兽类学报》和《生态学报》等国内外学术刊物上发表论文100余篇,其中20余篇被SCI收录。
1、Zheng WH, Lin L, Liu JS, Xu XJ, Li M. Geographic variation in basal thermogenesis in little buntings: Relationship to cellular thermogenesis and thyroid hormone concentrations. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A, 2013, 164A:240–246.
2、Zheng WH, Liu JS, Swanson DL. Seasonal phenotypic flexibility of body mass, organ masses, and tissue oxidative capacity and their relationship to RMR in Chinese bulbuls. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, 2014, 87:432–444.
3、Zheng WH, Li M, Liu JS, Shao SL, Xu XJ. Seasonal variation of metabolic thermogenesis in Eurasian tree sparrows Passer montanus over a latitudinal gradient. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, 2014, 87:704–718.
4、Wu MX, Zhou LM, Zhao LD, Zhao ZJ, Zheng WH, Liu JS. Seasonal variation in body mass, body temperature and thermogenesis in the Hwamei, Garrulax canorus. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A, 2015, 179: 113–119.
5. Zhou LM, Xia SS, Chen Q, Wang RM, Zheng WH, Liu JS. Phenotypic flexibility of thermogenesis in the Hwamei (Garrulax canorus): responses to cold acclimation. American journal of Physiology, 2016, 310(4):R330-R336.
[1] 中国特有分布种画眉和红嘴相思鸟的适应性产热特征与机制(No. 31470472).国家自然科学基金,86万,15年1月—18年12月,主持.
[1] 白头鹎北扩现象适应性产热的机理(No. 31070366).国家自然科学基金,33万,11年1月-13年12月,主持.
[2] 重要森林兽类、两栖爬行类物种资源监测技术与示范(No 2008BAC39B02-11),国家科技支撑计划专题:重要森林物种资源监测技术与示范(No 2008BAC39B02).20万,08年1月-11年12月,子专题主持.
[3] 中国南北方树麻雀基础产热机理差异的研究(No 30670324).国家自然科学基金,27万,07年1月-09年12月,主持.
[4] 白头鹎适应性产热的研究(No 30870377).国家自然科学基金,8万,09年1月-09年12月,主持.
[5] 白头鹎基础代谢产热的研究(No Y506089).浙江省自然科学基金,6万,07年1月-08年12月,主持.
[1] 曾宪梓教学基金授予高等师范院校优秀教师奖三等奖,1999
[2] 最热门的网赌网址大全就业工作先进个人,2005
[3] 浙江省中青年学科带头人,2007
[4] 最热门的网赌网址大全《教学名师》奖,2007
[5] 浙江省第十届“挑战杯”大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛优秀指导教师奖,2007
[6] 最热门的网赌网址大全第五届最受学生爱戴的老师荣誉称号,2010
[7] 最热门的网赌网址大全优秀教师,2010
[8] 最热门的网赌网址大全第三届研究生我心目中的好导师荣誉称号,2014
[9] 浙江省优秀教师,2014
[1] 方小斌、邱霞、周奕琳、杨璐伊、赵熠.《古田山自然保护区两栖类物种监测技术开发》,国家级大学生创新创业训练计划,2013
[2] 陈乾、章忆颖、沈丽玉、邱雄、沈豪.《环境温度和限食对白头鹎能量代谢的影响》,国家级大学生创新创业训练计划,2014
[3] 吴旭建、王润梅、冯晨晨、陈梦阳、董蓓蓓.《画眉鸟体重、器官重量和组织氧化能力的季节性可塑性变化》,国家级大学生创新创业训练计划,2015
[4] 萧宇超、杨芳.《白头鹎能量代谢和消化道形态的季节性变化》,浙江省“新苗计划”,2011
[5] 周奕琳、方小斌、杨璐伊、赵熠.《古田山自然保护区两栖爬行类物种资源调查》,浙江省“新苗计划”,2012
[6] 赵丽丹、吴美秀、夏素素.《画眉体温调节和代谢产热特征的季节性变化》,浙江省“新苗计划”,2014
[7] 王佳佳、梁洪基、蔡炎林、郑志宏、吴旭建《温度驯化对红嘴相思鸟代谢产热的影响》,浙江省“新苗计划”,2015
[8] 柏敏澜、胡诗楠、蔡克静、叶斌、毛红贞.《光周期对红嘴相思鸟代谢产热的影响》,浙江省“新苗计划”,2016
[1] 彭丽洁、唐小丽、柳劲松、孟海涛.甲状腺激素对白头鹎基础产热的影响.生态学报,2010,30(6):1500-1507.
[2] Xia SS, Yu AW, Zhao LD, Zhang HY, Zheng WH, Liu JS. Metabolic thermogenesis and evaporative water loss in the Hwamei, Garrulax canorus. Journal of Thermal Biology, 2013, 38(8):576-581
[3] Wu YN, Lin L, Y Xiao YC, Zhou LM, Wu MS, Zhang HY,Liu JS. Effects of temperature acclimation on body mass and energy budget in the Chinese bulbul Pycnonotus sinensis. Zoological Research, 2014, 35(1):33-41.
[4] Zhou YL, Qiu X, Fang XB, Yang LY, Zhao Y, FANG T, Zheng WH, Liu JS. Acoustic characteristics of eight common Chinese anurans during breeding season. Zoological Research, 2014, 35(1):42-50.
[5] Bao HH, Liang QJ, Zhu HL, Zhou XQ, Zheng WH, Liu JS. Metabolic rate and evaporative water loss in the silky starling Sturnus sericeus. Zoological Research, 2014, 35(4):280-286.
[6] Wu MS, Xiao YC, Yang F, Zhou LM, Zheng WH, Liu JS. Seasonal variation in body mass and energy budget in Chinese Bulbuls (Pycnonotus sinensis). Avian Research, 2014, 5,4.
[7] 林琳,曹梦婷,胡益林,黄丽丽,李洲,柳劲松.环境温度对白头鹎代谢产热和蒸发失水的影响.生态学报,2014,34(4):564-571.
[8] Wu MX, Zhou LM, Zhao LD, Zhao ZJ, Zheng WH, Liu JS. Seasonal variation in body mass, body temperature and thermogenesis in the Hwamei, Garrulax canorus. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A, 2015, 179: 113–119.
[9] Zhao LD, Wang RM, Wu YN, Wu MS, Zheng WH, Liu JS. Daily variation in body mass and thermoregulation in male Hwamei (Garrulax canorus) at different seasons. Avian Research, 2015, 6,4.
[10] Liang QJ, Zhao L, Wang JQ, Chen Q, Zheng WH, Liu JS. Effect of food restriction on the energy metabolism of the Chinese bulbul (Pycnonotus sinensis). Zoological Research, 2015, 36(2):79-87.
[11] 夏素素,杨芳,王润梅,郑蔚虹,赵志军,柳劲松.白头鹎对季节性驯化和温度适应的生理反应.生态学报,2015,35(7):2349-2359.
[12] Fang XB, Qiu X, Zhou YL, Yang LY, Zhao Y, Zheng WH, Liu JS. Acoustic Characteristics of Advertisement Calls in Babina adenopleura. Asian Herpetological Research, 2015, 6(3):220-228.
[13] Zhou LM, Xia SS, Chen Q, Wang RM, Zheng WH, Liu JS. Phenotypic flexibility of thermogenesis in the Hwamei (Garrulax canorus): responses to cold acclimation. American journal of Physiology, 2016, 310(4):R330-R336.
[14] Wang JQ, Wang JJ, Wu XJ, Zheng WH, Liu JS. Short photoperiod increases energy intake, metabolic thermogenesis and organ mass in silky starlings Sturnus sericeus. Zoological Research, 2016, 37(2):75-83.
[15] 王润梅,吴玉南,梁洪基,林琳,郑蔚虹,柳劲松.温度与光周期对白头鹎体质量、能量收支和消化道形态的影响.应用生态学报,2016,27(6):1959-1967.
[16] Qiao QG, Liang HJ, Bai ML, Zheng WH, Liu JS. Interspecific variation of thermoregulation between small migratory and resident passerines in Wenzhou. Zoological Research, 2016, 37(3):167-176.
[17] Bai ML, Wu XJ, Cai KJ, Zheng WH, Liu JS. Relationships between interspecific differences in the mass of internal organs, biochemical markers of metabolic activity, and the thermogenic properties of three small passerines. Avian Research, 2016, 7,11.